The City Twice Renewed

We saw a funny picture
in the city
that twice broke my heart.
You held my hand
for two hours
while we laughed,
and we came out
to a world that’s changed;
a world that now laughs
at goats and heroes
each time we remember.
And we will remember.
For the world now breathes
but cackles
in the air.



Its belly swells
with memories of moments
we’ve made,
ever-expanding with the stars;
it will never go dark.
For the sun that scorched
our backs
while we went ‘round
in a boat
will keep lighting our days.
No matter how many sundowns
we see; the gondolier’s voice
will hang in our ears
no matter how many songs
we hear.



I cried a tear
in the night
but you wiped it with a kiss,
filled with a promise
of the next sunrise
we will greet together.
And my heart smiles
at the city
twice renewed.
I shall live
twice more hopeful,
my eyes locked
in the sky
twice brighter;
twice surer.



The City Twice Renewed
July 24, 2022

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