Starving for Words

I am starving for words
locked away behind a boulder,
in a cave of fears
where hide vicious bats
that prey on meister blood,
and steal inspiration
to turn them into stones
they hang on moldy walls.
Thieves and forgers of doubt
in unsuspecting dreamers.

I come to the hatchway
to face their king
yet they have none.
Only mercenaries of the dreaming
guarding nothing
but counterfeit jewels
that don’t glint in the light.
Unwelcome though I am,
it is my words
I’ve come to claim.

What moves the rock
but your smile in my mind’s eye,
which lights up the cavern
of hopes turned lifeless.
None mightier a spell
than your name I speak
to break the curse and return
a hero in your eyes.
No higher honor;
no sweeter sacrifice.

Starving for Words
August 12, 2022

garden of dreams book cover by natalia go

Garden of dreams preorder

Garden of Dreams is now available for preorder!!! It’s out for a discounted price of PHP460. ETA is end of August. Watch the trailer below!

Natalia Go’s second poetry collection, Garden of Dreams, talks about resurfacing from the thick, menacing silence of a well, past the cold, damp walls, and into a garden where light meets dreamers. It includes sonnets and poems turned into songs. 

The City Twice Renewed

We saw a funny picture
in the city
that twice broke my heart.
You held my hand
for two hours
while we laughed,
and we came out
to a world that’s changed;
a world that now laughs
at goats and heroes
each time we remember.
And we will remember.
For the world now breathes
but cackles
in the air.



Its belly swells
with memories of moments
we’ve made,
ever-expanding with the stars;
it will never go dark.
For the sun that scorched
our backs
while we went ‘round
in a boat
will keep lighting our days.
No matter how many sundowns
we see; the gondolier’s voice
will hang in our ears
no matter how many songs
we hear.



I cried a tear
in the night
but you wiped it with a kiss,
filled with a promise
of the next sunrise
we will greet together.
And my heart smiles
at the city
twice renewed.
I shall live
twice more hopeful,
my eyes locked
in the sky
twice brighter;
twice surer.



The City Twice Renewed
July 24, 2022

Staircase From the Temple in the Stars

Claps of thunder
have been heavy lately
like giant rocks
rolling on my shoulders.
What little respite
taken away
at daybreak
when I bleed
from the littlest pricks,
crying tears stemming
from a bottomless well,
of my one misstep
at its brim.

And its walls
begin to close,
halted only
by the light of your smile
searing the darkness,
the fast approaching doom
from either side of me.
Like a staircase
beaming from the temples
of the goddesses
in the stars,
with the beauty
of your heart.

Hide me
in the comfort
of your arms,
my one remaining solace
from this deluge of sorrow
devouring all
but the promise of the day
I will hold you again,
in our garden of dreams
where dawn peeks
at the beginning
of each hour
I am in your arms
and you are in mine.

Staircase From the Temples in the Stars
July 19, 2022

Next Time the Roses Bloom

I miss the scent
of a thousand roses
that bursts from the wall
in your presence,
the warmth
of crackling fire
while rain pours outside
when I hold you
we’re an atom apart,
from each other’s mouths,
and the constellations
inside us
warping to burst

I miss the glow
of your cheeks
when you see me pass
from one corner
of the room
to another,
sneaking in a kiss
I can’t help but ask
before I walk past,
and coming back for more
until we’re lost
under the blankets
while the world spins
around us,
until we resurface.

But hold me
in your dreams.
I will step
out of the cloudlands
into your waking world
soon after
I collect the words
I’ve been stitching together
from my heart
that I may offer you
a humble revière
of all the sweet nothings
we’ve exchanged
and will again
next time the roses

Next Time the Roses Bloom
July 12, 2022

fields of cosmos poem by natalia go

Fields of Cosmos

You pull me
like a magnet
to where fields of cosmos
lie endless
beneath a golden sky
as the sun dances
in its zenith
to the music of our souls.
There where its light
hits the patch of darkness
in my spirit,
washing it off the rubble
by swarms of beasts
from my infernal nightmares.

The force you cast
each time
a smile forms
on your lips
cools and softens
the heated molten rocks
that had clung
to my countenance,
falling off the pink petals
under our bodies
as we lie
rid of strain and disquiet.
And the sludge
turns into dew
at their touch.

In our paradise
where the sun sets
when we close our eyes
to dream,
the cosmos wards
the most vicious intruders
in the quietude
we’ve found;
beside each other
while horns resound
and thunders clap
outside our sphere,
until the next sunrise.

Fields of Cosmos
July 1, 2022

Until all the stars and the planets are right again, poem by natalia go

Until the all the stars and the planets are right again

Tonight I feel the kiss
of a cold breeze
in place of your lips;
with it a whisper
from your heart
telling me to be still.
For not a heartbeat more,
I will find you before me
to hold me close again,
and all the hours I spent
would be but specks of dust
trickling away with the space
that kept us apart
for much too long.

And every trace
of loneliness would melt
away with the layers
of particles
that I would brush
off your body
with my tongue.
The tears that hardened
into stones
inside your heart
would burst into a thousand
colored lights
as other parts of you
at my touch.

Slowly the world’s
endless spinning
would pause
at the first breath
you take
as I inch into the doorway
of your soul.
A dimension alive
with wild roses
where we’d lie
under cherry trees
exchanging kisses we’ve saved
until all the stars
and the planets are right

Until All the Stars and the Planets Are Right Again
June 19, 2022

Far More Than Enough Poem by Natalia Go

Far More Than Enough

Far more than enough,
far more than I deserve,
far more than you can,
you make my life
and this world
far more than things
to endure.
Instead life is one
to love;
instead the world is one
to see
and belong,
not the cross they were
for one
to bear.

Far more than you know,
far more than it shows,
far more than I say,
your touch can change
a sad day
to one where tears
are at bay.
And the present
is far less cruel,
the past
is far less frightful;
the future
far less obscure.

Far more than the magic
you bring,
far more than the songs
you make me sing,
far more than the good
in all you do,
you make me want
to be better, too.
For my heart
is far more than glad
that of all the ones
I could have loved,
I’ve chosen you;
a love I’m grateful
to be true.

Far More Than Enough
June 6, 2022

Woven in the Fabric

It feels like night again
when I can’t reach
for your hand
beside me in the dark
or feel your body against mine
as the cold artificial wind blows
while I try to enter
the world of dreams
where I hope to hear
your laughter
as we wade through the water,
sand beneath our feet
as we did
under the warmth of the sun
a few orbits ago.

Already it feels
like the weeks ahead
would drone on
like sticky sand
in an hourglass;
minutes passing like hours,
each containing
the intricate details
of every kiss, every touch,
every look we exchanged
for a heartbeat
in our little paradise
until I see you again.

Moments though brief,
forever woven
in the fabric
in both our lives now.
And the night sky
gleams silver-blue
with hope;
look how the stars shine,
telling you
how much I need you
in my life.
Thank you for being in it.

Woven in the Fabric
June 1, 2022