A Scent That Flavours the Air

It’s just a whisper now,

a scent that flavours the air

when it rains.

No more echoes,

just a distant sound;

an old phrase

that catches on

in passing.

I greet the Jasmines

in the morning,

light of heart,

rid of the heavy thorns

of roses;

no deep red petals

to drown my senses. 

I am free. 

Free to take the Lily

on its dare,

if it finds me. 

A Scent That Flavours the Air

July 5, 2021

Sonnet VII

Never have the stars looked so pale and plain;

I haven’t half the heart to look up.

My heart will not sing the same notes again

As once it did from the mountain tops.

Love’s low sweet breeze does not come this way twice;

What fool am I to seek it in this place?

And in its place, the wind of love’s demise

Comes sweeping its confectionery ways

Off to distant lowlands and the seas,

Consumed by creatures big and terrible

And wash to shore to the roots of the trees;

Not in my hands are they ever to fall. 

   High and low, wherever fate doth brings me,

   I will not see love’s face, if it kills me. 

Sonnet VII

May 13, 2021


I dreamed a beautiful scene


cradling you in my arms, 

showering your face

with little kisses. 

You asked why I wept

and hushed me before I could

whisper my fear;

you said you’re here. 

And I felt myself break into pieces 

as I stood

to turn on the light,

and picked up the pen.


April 5, 2021

A Wrong-ness in the Waning Moon

There’s a wrong-ness in the air

that would neither settle

nor move along.

It brought vague questions

and cold sweats that tingle

my feet;

the sky is pale

and the dog is howling;

the wrong-ness,

artless and raw.

A waning moon showed. 

It is now dark out.

Fangs in the sky

start to dance,

gnawing at my gut. 

The hour on the clock

is wrong.

So was the color of my sweat

that I have just washed

down the drain. 

The only thing right

is the certainty 

that this wrongness exists.

But I must not come find

where it rests

for I have gone that way before. 

And the only end

I would meet

on that path

is more wrongness.

Yet it rattles my bones,

like they’re wind chimes

out in an approaching storm. 

A Wrong-ness in the Waning Moon

March 8, 2021