Sonnet X

Sonnet X

(A Birthday Sonnet)

One hundred forty-first day of the year;

Unaware the world in its randomness,

Born a soul to my heart would be dear

For all her genuine light and genius. 

Though years ahead is she of my becoming,

What fortune have I received to find her!

You whose presence wonder and happiness brings

To me and all whose love for you I share. 

May this revolution bring your desires,

And in this lifetime your dreams in waking. 

May you come out a gem in life’s fires;

Your beloved stay in your safekeeping. 

  ‘Tis a day to celebrate of all days

  For the world has been made a better place.

Sonnet IX

So as these strokes form words on the paper,

Think my touch drawing patterns on your skin.

Each loving curve, a dance from here to there

As my hand moves on the page to draw you in;

High and low, my heart swells with its motion

As I imagine yours beating with mine.

Each line, a sweet caress with precision,

Connects our minds that we may so align. 

Every kiss my pen leaves with its tip

On every inch of the page till it’s full

Is one more fiercely planted on your lips;

I linger for their taste before I pull. 

   On the last dot, my words are a song made whole;

   And I surface from the depths of your soul. 

Sonnet IX

February 5, 2022

Sonnet VII

Never have the stars looked so pale and plain;

I haven’t half the heart to look up.

My heart will not sing the same notes again

As once it did from the mountain tops.

Love’s low sweet breeze does not come this way twice;

What fool am I to seek it in this place?

And in its place, the wind of love’s demise

Comes sweeping its confectionery ways

Off to distant lowlands and the seas,

Consumed by creatures big and terrible

And wash to shore to the roots of the trees;

Not in my hands are they ever to fall. 

   High and low, wherever fate doth brings me,

   I will not see love’s face, if it kills me. 

Sonnet VII

May 13, 2021

Sonnet VI

Then came the day I decided I would

Stop writing of drunken love and passions;

Then came the day I learned that I could

Trade the high of infatuation

For a union of the placid kind

Not the brief intense turbulent affair,

Not the addiction of the frantic mind

But a lasting connection that dares

Let go of such a chase life-derailing

And choose content in love’s sweet silence

Over that which burns in flames but passing

For there is better joy in its absence.

    So do I throw my foolish fancies away

    And set my heart to see that fateful day. 

Sonnet VI

March 23, 2021

I’m writing this as my sixth sonnet because I decided to scrap some of the earlier ones. I’m allowed to do that, right? Anyway, it’s my body of work so I guess I can.

Sonnet I

So here’s my first real attempt for a sonnet.

So is your beam like sunlight to my day

Which glimmers in the gloom of starless nights;

As still my boat from its unsteady sway,

Your words bring peace to my tumultuous flights.

So do I search for you in all my thoughts

And find you there so oft to my surprise;

Without you, all my days will be for naught

Like a child without her blanket thus she cries.

And so I pray you, please don’t leave my side,

For I shall not forsake you, joy or strife;

My love for you never will I hide

And I will treasure you for all my life.

   So long as you are here, I am at peace

   And every woe turns to unbounded bliss.

Sonnet 1

September 27, 2020