Far More Than Enough Poem by Natalia Go

Far More Than Enough

Far more than enough,
far more than I deserve,
far more than you can,
you make my life
and this world
far more than things
to endure.
Instead life is one
to love;
instead the world is one
to see
and belong,
not the cross they were
for one
to bear.

Far more than you know,
far more than it shows,
far more than I say,
your touch can change
a sad day
to one where tears
are at bay.
And the present
is far less cruel,
the past
is far less frightful;
the future
far less obscure.

Far more than the magic
you bring,
far more than the songs
you make me sing,
far more than the good
in all you do,
you make me want
to be better, too.
For my heart
is far more than glad
that of all the ones
I could have loved,
I’ve chosen you;
a love I’m grateful
to be true.

Far More Than Enough
June 6, 2022

Woven in the Fabric

It feels like night again
when I can’t reach
for your hand
beside me in the dark
or feel your body against mine
as the cold artificial wind blows
while I try to enter
the world of dreams
where I hope to hear
your laughter
as we wade through the water,
sand beneath our feet
as we did
under the warmth of the sun
a few orbits ago.

Already it feels
like the weeks ahead
would drone on
like sticky sand
in an hourglass;
minutes passing like hours,
each containing
the intricate details
of every kiss, every touch,
every look we exchanged
for a heartbeat
in our little paradise
until I see you again.

Moments though brief,
forever woven
in the fabric
in both our lives now.
And the night sky
gleams silver-blue
with hope;
look how the stars shine,
telling you
how much I need you
in my life.
Thank you for being in it.

Woven in the Fabric
June 1, 2022

In the Soft Light of My Little Corner

Counting the days,
watching the hours
as the clock ticks away
but every moment is ours
to save each kiss
we will shower each other

Here in the soft light
of my little corner,
I still feel the touch
of your lips
that lingers
on my mind
the way my hands did
on every part of you.

And your voice plays
like a song
stuck in my head,
speaking the words
we’ve whispered
in the little world
we’ve shared
while it was on mute.

Under the magic
of its workings,
there is comfort to be had
in knowing
that time is on our side;
do not fear the tides

In the Soft Light of My Little Corner
May 26, 2022

Sonnet X

Sonnet X

(A Birthday Sonnet)

One hundred forty-first day of the year;

Unaware the world in its randomness,

Born a soul to my heart would be dear

For all her genuine light and genius. 

Though years ahead is she of my becoming,

What fortune have I received to find her!

You whose presence wonder and happiness brings

To me and all whose love for you I share. 

May this revolution bring your desires,

And in this lifetime your dreams in waking. 

May you come out a gem in life’s fires;

Your beloved stay in your safekeeping. 

  ‘Tis a day to celebrate of all days

  For the world has been made a better place.

Lull the Shadows to Sleep

Doesn’t matter the veil

of darkness

descending upon us,

or the monsoon

of sharp-edged rocks;

if I can paint a smile

on those lips,

it will dull the sharpest


and lull the shadows

to sleep. 

A smile that lifts

the doubt

that thickens around the heart

when it clenches its claws 

on the uncertainty of tomorrow. 

Doesn’t matter the soot

about to fall from the sky,


from the factory of lies

in the machine’s paradise;

if from the dust it leaves

on the pavement,

I can write our names

to remind you

of the truth they can’t erase—

our history

and the story

of how we’ll live to protect

this place. 

Doesn’t matter the noise

already drowning our senses

if I can single out

your voice

that builds the strongest 


against the pull

to choose indifference. 

If I can draw out

your warm and infectious 


no, none of these would matter.

And I will guard it

with my soul

like a love letter. 

Lull the Shadows to Sleep

May 13, 2022

Photo by Sam Willis

Within a Supercluster

Specks of dust we are, 

you and I.

Wrapped in a cluster

within a supercluster 

of stars,

all of which have stopped

at the perfect time,

singing in perfect rhyme

that two specks of dust

may meet

at the start of a new


a world about to be changed

by love. 

Favored by Fortune, 

daughters of Ishtar;

we are lucky

for we dared to seek

each other

in a world that doesn’t bother

to love anymore. 

Let us sail the skies


we will fly 

and write our names

in the canopy

right above our galaxy

among those

who are meant to be. 

Within a Supercluster

April 30, 2022

When My Palette is Empty

I wish for songbirds 

to sing joyful songs

around your dwelling

when I carry 

heavy tunes. 

I wish for rainbows

to appear before you

at the wave of my hand

when my palette is empty

and my brushes too dry

to paint them on your sky. 

I wish for the winds 

to lift you from the ground

at my command

when I’m not strong enough

to lighten the pains

that come around. 

And when things are bleak

and my words too weak

to make you smile,

I pray that my hand

in yours

is enough to remind you

life is still worthwhile. 

For I will not stop

hanging little lights up

above your head

to let you know

I am with you

though they may flicker

in hard times ahead. 

My love will linger

far longer

after darkness has fled. 

When My Palette is Empty

April 26, 2022

Fount of Your Smiles

Let me be the cushion on your back

at the end of a long day;

let me be the ice pack

to numb your headaches away. 

Use me as your diversion;

let me sing you songs

with your favorite renditions;

play me all night long

till your rest your eyes

then I will sing you lullabies. 

Let me be the sunlight 

peeking into your window, 

let my sweet little ray write

over your sorrows

with poems of love

and of bright days ahead.

Look above!

High atop your bed,

I am the canopy

embracing your galaxy. 

In truth, I am small,

with a voice tiny and faint.

I cannot be your all;

I am no match against

the offerings of the world

that you most deserve.

But I am true to my word;

for you, I will serve

as the fount of your smiles

for as long as you deem worthwhile. 

Fount of Your Smiles

April 18, 2022

Two Billion Heartbeats

Two billion heartbeats

in a lifetime;

every one of them for you

since we’ve met.

Each as loud as a bass drum,

shouting your name. 

And perhaps the secret chord

is playing in the background

for the heavens seem pleased;

yes, indeed. 

And our song, 

chiming along, 

telling our story

each time the drum rolls. 

A hundred thousand


in a day;

only one thing they say:

that I love you—

this lifetime, for sure

and perhaps in many lifetimes


And every minute, 

a hundred heartbeats more

can attest to the truth,

here sworn. 

Not a day is happier

than every day we spend


Two Billion Heartbeats

March 27, 2022

A Letter Sent Through Airwaves

Long stretches of roads

lay between us.

You said hello

in a letter—sent

through airwaves,

defying distance and time,

past traffic and borders.

And I wrote back…

Now I’m caught

in this electric exchange

of synapses

in which the world dissolves

and the hours stand still,

and only the words between us


And it’s a struggle

to stay sane

when I could barely restrain

my thoughts

from going to the private

spaces we’ve reserved. 

But I will hang

onto every sliver

of the promise of the day

my lips would lock

with yours

as our fingers intertwine;

the beginning of a tale

that makes all the wait


A Letter Sent Through Airwaves

March 11, 2022